December 30, 2010 December 30, 201016 Step Analog Sequencer FULL Bare Bones KitPerhaps the only 16 Step analog sequencer kit available on the market. This is the crown jewel of 16 step sequencers, let me name off the […]
December 28, 2010 December 28, 201016 Step Analog Sequencer Kit and updated BOMFinally here! An updated BOM and PDF version of of assembly instructions for our 16 step analog sequencer. Kits to be sold this week! Check out […]
December 22, 2010 December 22, 2010PT2399 Delay / Echo 500K Mod with Momentary Switchcheck out the MOD HERE BUY THE KIT HERE
December 17, 2010 December 17, 2010The Swedish Movements – LIVE song 2Check out more of my music using Synthrotek gear at:
December 16, 2010 December 16, 20104093 Nand Drone Synth Kit Assembly DONE!Click here to get those much anticipated assembly instructions!
December 14, 2010 December 14, 2010Small Stomp Box drilled with DPDT Stomp etcThis is a hammond style case for those looking to make a stomp box with any of our products. Includes shielded AC Jack, DPDT stomp switch […]