Thank you for purchasing the Synthrotek Passive MIX kit! This is pretty easy build, great for first-time DIYers.
Please build according to the BOM, and not these instructions or the pictures alone. Some components may have changed since these were written, or we may not be able to get the proper components in the pictures.
Let’s begin!
THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR THE MIX v.2 which has some added resistors. These resistors help reduce the interaction between channels. Both versions have their advantages. If you are looking to build version 1.0, PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK.
Mix v2 Instructions
Take the 3 resistors and place them into the panel as shown below. Resistors are not polarized, so you can place them either way. Turn over to solder then clip excess leads.

Take the 10mm standoff and attach it the PCB with the silver 2.5mm screw

Place all of your 3.5mm jacks in the PCB as shown below. Place them on the the side of the board that has the white silk screen boxes. You can use the panel to align the jacks then turn over and solder in place. Wait until final panel placement to solder.

Take the 3 pots and place them into the PCB. Wait until final panel placement to solder.

Now take the panel and carefully place it over the pots and jacks. You can add the 2.5mm hex screw to the standoff and hex nuts on the jacks. Carefully turn the project over and solder the pots and jacks in place. You can now test your MIX. Congrats!

MIX v.1 Assembly Instructions
Take the 10mm standoff and attach it the PCB with the silver 2.5mm screw
Place all of your 3.5mm jacks in the PCB as shown below. Place them on the the side of the board that has the white silk screen boxes. You can use the panel to align the jacks then turn over and solder in place.
Now place the pots onto the PCB as shown below.
Then take the panel and place it over the pots and the jacks.
Carefully add the jack nuts.
Tighten down the black hex 2.5mm screw through the panel into the standoff.
Now squeeze the pot clamps onto the PCB then solder ONLY the pot clamps onto the PCB. DO NOT SOLDER THE PINS YET.
Align the pots now by hand so that they are vertical and centered.
Solder pot leads into place once the lots are aligned, then solder the jacks.
Make sure you tighten the nuts on the jacks and you are then good to start mixing!