
January 29, 2013

DIY Stompbox Demo Video and Wrapup

For those that may have missed it we’ve got our new DIY Stompbox Kit up in our store. We have posted the assembly instructions along with […]
January 26, 2013

DIY Stompbox Boost Demo is posted.

We built the Boost we talked about in our earlier post It’s a boost!. Check out the writeup/instructions on our DIY Stompbox Boost Demo page. Video […]
January 11, 2013

Chorus Pedal Kits are now available

Yay! Our Chorus Pedal Kits are now available. If you haven’t heard or seen the new Chorus Pedal yet please check out these YouTube videos:  
January 8, 2013

Introducing our New Chorus Pedal

We’ve been working on this for a while and we are pleased to finally unveil our new Chorus Pedal. We’re extremely pleased with both the resulting sound and […]
January 8, 2013

The Joys of E-Mail

It has come to our attention that some people have been emailing, commenting on webpages and even submitting web forms with inquiries and they have been […]
December 24, 2012

Boards have arrived!!

Finally, just in time to call it a Christmas present to Synthrotek.  Really it’s a present for us all.  DS-8s, 555 Timers and Ring Mods PCBs […]
December 24, 2012

Boxes, cases and enclosures.

We’ve updated and added items to the enclosure and cases portion of our store. Cases with battery compartments,  sloping ones and even one with a belt […]
December 4, 2012

16 Step Sequencer Assembly Notes

Our new tech guru recently assembled his own 16 Step Sequencer and has posted some assembly notes to hopefully make your assembly smoother.  Check the new […]